Tie on your skates and jump on the ice. We've got lots of life lessons to discuss today...

Moving the site

I decided to move this blog over to my main website. You can now find my ice skating blogging at
http://www.alwayssababa.com/taxonomy/term/1 or just go to the main page at http://www.alwayssababa.com and look for new posts at the top of the left hand column.

If you've been reading this blog in an RSS feed reader, you'll want to change your subscription to http://www.alwayssababa.com/taxonomy/term/1/*/feed

While you are over there, you can check out some of the other things that I get up to when I'm not on the ice. There's technical stuff about computers, my ideas about education and work, random rantings about life in general, and even poetry and short fiction. Everything is in its own space over there, with its own block and page and feed, so it'll be easy to find just what you want to read and ignore the rest.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the new site! 0 comments